Mason DeCosmo Memorial Park

Currently The Mason DeCosmo Foundation is building a memorial park in the town of Poughkeepsie in honor of Mason. We are looking for donations as well as sponsors for new playground equipment and the cost to the local county and town for permits to build. If you are interested please take a look below at some of the equipment sponsors we have listed as well as other ways you can donate to help this mission. This park just doesn`t honor Mason forever but gives the children in this area a amazing center to laugh and play and build relationships and build memories for years to come. We are also looking for help with the garden area so if you or if you might know someone please fill out our volunteer form and submit your information to help make an amazing garden at this location. If you would like to just make a quick donation please feel free to click on our donation button and we thank you in advance for your support and help with our mission to bring this memorial park to life.

Bbq grills $1,000
Picnic tables $2500
Benches $1500
Wishing well $1500
Windmill $1500
Bird houses $250
School bus playset $6000
Train station play set $6500
Army helicopter play set $6000
Fire truck playground set $7000
Semi truck playground set $8000
Bull dozer playset $11,000
Pirate ship playset $11,000
Dump truck playset $14,000

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